The table below contains links to data for various sectors. Some of
them are off on other people's websites. The eras covered vary but are only CT,
MT, & TNE-1202. Someday, I hope to have 1248 data, but that's still a ways
off. The default is TNE with MT data. Years listed in parentheses
indicate sites for that time period only.
Stellar data continues to be off. I wish it was never added to the game. Between
incorrect stellar population distribution, varieties that don't exist, and
garden worlds orbiting the stellar equivalents of a wet match, it's proven to be
more of a headache than a feature. While I've tried to fix all three, I don't
believe I can make Traveller's stars and planets jibe with what we're learning
about the cosmos, particularly M-class dwarves, and still be what I
consider to be fun. I've decided to err on the side of fun. Please forgive me.
2021 UPDATE: Thanks to Brett Kruger, a copy of B.A.R.D. has been
salvaged. Links to its sector data have been restored.
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